Which should be located in ur C: Drive Program Data file, ReFX Nexus, Nexus Content. An example of what my settings.json originally looked like when I opened it up (on windows) was:Įdit this ^^^ and update its path to ur preset Nexus folder. Open the settings.json and edit its library path. Once step 1 and 2 (Nexus activation) are completed correctly, go to ur User folder and open up ur settings.json Open the folder 'Copy to nexus content' and copy the folder 'Presets' to 'Nexus Content' Which should be located in C: Program data, ReFX Nexus 3, Nexus Content. Mount (Double click) to open the Nexus 3 instalation Files folder. Now, this may not work for everybody, however it worked for me. READ ONLY IF YOUR NEXUS PRESTS ARENT SHWOWING: IF you're missing nexus presets, complete this step below and you should be good to go! Just paste the 'User' file straight into your C: Drive - Done
some move it to C: Drive, User and then paste. Directly copy the 'User' folder (which contains the settings.json) straight into your C: Drive and leave it there) - Done.Ī lot of people make the mistake with this step ^^^ as they Copy the 'User' folder into the wrong place. Copy the nexus download and regkey (which should be located in a 'VST' folder upon installation) into your program files folder where you put ur other 64 bit program downloads - Done